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Virgo New Moon September 7, 2021


What’s happening in the skies? Glad you asked!

At the Virgo New Moon on September 6, 2021:

Venus, Vesta and Haumea in Libra ♎️ are trining Jupiter in Aquarius ♒️.

The New Moon and Hygeia in Virgo ♍️ are trining Uranus and Black Moon Lilith in Taurus ♉️.

Mercury in Libra ♎️ is trining the North node and Ceres in Gemini ♊️.

Mercury is also sextiling the South Node in Sagittarius ♐️.

Mercury is also trining Saturn in Aquarius ♒️.

These are amazing positive aspects that bring easy flow.

New Moons are about setting new intentions, planting new seeds, starting new projects. Deciding on the new version of you!

All of these planetary conversations are in the air and earth elements. Air is about ideas, mental activity, and communication. Earth is about creating and manifesting on the earth plane. Making real, tangible plans, and then creating the structures that support the dream.

Let’s check in with the dreamer of the zodiac, Neptune.

Neptune is powerful in its’ home sign of Pisces ♓️.

Neptune is in polarity (opposition) to Mercury, strong in its’ home sign of Virgo ♍️ .

This is a call to dream the dream, and then bring it down to earth. Are you up for this?

What would you like to manifest on earth? 🌎

What does the new you look like? Act like? Sound like?

There’s a lot of power coming your way. Would you like to harness it?


Your homework for the next 10 days leading up to the New Moon is to rid yourself of anything that no longer fits. Figuratively and mentally.

You are a molting 🦀. Your shell is too small and has to go.

You are a 🐍 shedding its’ skin.

You are prepping your inner phoenix to rise from the ashes. (No emoji available ;)

The theme here is transformation. When we release, something new can come in. We make space for the bigger, better version of ourselves that the New Moon in Virgo will usher in.

On Sunday, September 5, 3-4:30 EDT, Astrology Explorer meetup will bust open the new energy! We will dive in to the gifts this gorgeous New Moon offers.

The first 30 minutes I unpack the collective energy. Then I do a mini reading for each person, drawing from their birth chart with the New Moon overlay, and my intuition. I give Source free rein to guide the whole experience, so that we are all given our best possible gift.

The cost is $20, but first time people can attend for $10. This includes your birth chart, your reading (about 10 minutes), and a mp4 audio and video recording of the whole meetup. When you RSVP at, I will contact you with further info, including how to get the Zoom link. Registration is limited to 8, so RSVP soon!

I hope we will connect and make some magic!

Want a more intensive experience? Check out to find out about a 90 minute deep dive into YOU!


Susan McCullen

Intuitive Astrologer

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