Hello, Astrology Explorers!
Welcome to the evolving Pisces season! The 3 planets in Pisces now - Neptune, Jupiter and Venus - become 4 on March 9, when Pallas Athena joins the gang. At the time of the New Moon March 13, there are 5 planets in Pisces, as the Moon amps up the power.
What does this mean?
Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac. It is a sign of spirituality, psychic energy, compassion, vision, and extraordinary imagination. Pisces is known as the Heart of God. It brings us an extraordinary time of heart awakening.
All signs have their shadow side. When there is lots of Pisces energy, it can create a spacey, untethered feeling. Emotions may run high, as we are asked to release everything that would hinder our spiritual journey. As your intuitive gifts are amplified, your sensitivity may open you to the noisy energy of the outside world. The antidote to this is setting good boundaries and grounding yourself in steady spiritual practice and the natural world.
We have Mercury, Jupiter, Chariklo, and Saturn in Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac. It is quite extraordinary to have so much energy concentrated at the last 2 signs of the zodiac.
Aquarius is the sign of awakening. It is cosmic downloads from the great beyond. It is lightening bursts of energy that bring stunning insight. It is the future. It is connection with extraterrestrial life. Aquarian stimulation can lead to a buzzing mind, as many bright ideas vie for your attention. The same antidote of grounding yourself in spiritual practice and the natural world apply here. You may also want to jot down ideas, to give your busy mind some rest.
We have MORE beautiful energy. I LOVE the square Saturn makes to Uranus - 3 times this year! It’s like Saturn is offering up the structures, rules, and hierarchy that the old guard hold so dear. And Uranus, more-powerful-than-Saturn Uranus, says “if it is not for the common good, it has to go”.
But wait, there’s more! Pluto is in a sextile to the New Moon. The Great Transformer says
“If it is not in integrity it has to go”.
What inside you is not in integrity? What inside you is not in alignment with the highest and best version of you?
Pisces is phenomenal at dissolving old energy. You can offer up old programs, limited thinking, and self doubt. You can make space for all the new ideas and insights you are being offered. New Moons are about new beginnings, and nature abhors a vacuum. New energy can come rushing in when you let the Pisces tide wash away anything you’re ready to release.
Would you like to explore this energy with kindred spirits? Astrology Explorer meetup on Sunday, March 7, 3-4:30 via Zoom is your opportunity to co-create magic. I will unpack the New Moon and its’ wonderful gifts, and then I will intuit a personal message for you! If you’re new to Astrology Explorers, I will have done your birth chart, and sent it to you. I will use this as a launch pad for a mini reading for each meetup participant. The cost is $20, payable via Venmo (preferred), Paypal, or personal check. I limit attendance to 8, so everyone gets personal attention.
I would love to connect with you! Please RSVP at meetup.com/astrologyexplorers.
I will meet you in the ethernet!
Love and Blessings,
Susan McCullen
Intuitive Astrologer
